Sunday, April 8, 2012

Portrayal of mental illness on social media

Some public figures have been using Twitter & other social media to air their own prejudices about mental illness. They particularly concentrate on any OTHER public figures who appear to be having a miserable time, eg. Matthew Newton [sometime actor & presenter].

I was particularly incensed to see a local comedian and radio personality post the following about Matt Newton this morning:

If you look at Wil's statements, you'll see that he doesn't really know what mental illness is and he doesn't know what behaviours may be produced during episodes of mental illness that the "owner" might find difficult to control (or impossible if they haven't LEARNT how to control them).
You can also see that Wil wasn't monitoring the content of his own Tweets as he claims I am outrageous because I made a comment about mental illness (which was the topic I was embracing anyway) and he didn't! If I was a wellknown performer dependent on a positive reputation for income I might have been more careful. However, Wil may be relying on many of his fans having warped ideas about mental illness such that they find it amusing to hit people when they are down. I don't know how he is running his career, so I don't know if his current fans have any particular leanings- but I know when I USED TO BE a fan of his on TripleJ that I admired his ability to make clever humour out of most topics. Lucky the topic of mental illness didn't come up when I was listening to his shows, eh?!

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